Teaching Elementary
This past week we were put into groups to form a lesson plan that we will use to teach a sixth grade class here in Provo. We have to teach something that goes along with one of the standards used by the district for 6th graders. At first I thought it would be easy to decide on something because we all seemed to be agreeing on the same ideas. Then after we talked about one idea for a while and seemed to be on track for picking the particular area to focus on, then the criticism and comments started. It was frustrating because some people didn't think that the idea was easy enough for 6th graders and that they wouldn't want to learn it. We sat and argues for a good hour on what we should do. Finally, Geoff came in and gave us an idea and I think most of us were sick of just sitting there going back and forth that we just took the idea and ran with it. So now we are going to teach about innovation and the steps it takes to fix a problem.
After all this back and forth stuff with wondering if the students will want to learn it or not, I have decided that you can teach anyone anything as long as we make it interesting. When I was younger, I would have never asked to learn anything about math or science because that did not interest me at all but I have teachers who made it interesting for me and so when they were teaching it I wasn't thinking I don't want to learn this. I did because they made it that way. I think that as teachers, not every student is going to want to learn everything we teach but that we have to try to get everyone involved in our lesson. That is a big challenge for teachers and I believe if we put forth effort and learn from our mistakes then we will be able to do that.
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