Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reflection 3

"Every truth has four corners: as a teacher I give you one corner, and it is for you to find the other three." --Confucius 

              So i read this qoute on someone's facebook this week. I know it seems like people put up quotes all the time and you just get sick of reading them but this one made me think about what I had been learning about this last week and about some of the things i have realized while teaching for the class as well.

            So last week we talked about the moral dimensions of teaching. They are........
-Providing access to knowledge for all children and youth
-Enculturating the young in a social and political democracy
-Ensuring responsible stewardship of schools
-Practicing a nurturing pedagog
*Or PEEP as Geoff says

                      I never realized how many moral codes there are to teaching and sometimes it seems as thought teachers are walking on egg shells in order to not offend anyone for his or her own beliefs. I think also after learning and studying all of these moral dimensions it makes me think back to my own education experience and I can pick out the teachers who cared about these and the ones who didnt really care as long as they were paid. I think it makes a big difference on your teaching style by how you act and carry yourself. I don't think you have to follow these word for word in order to be a teach who has a good set of morals but you should carry yourself in a certain way and ask yourself would i want to learn and listen to me if i was the student?
My HMMMM moment......

 When i was younger i used to wonder how they taught teachers how to teach. I thought that in college if you become a teacher your professors would stand up there and say ok so when the class comes in you will great them and tell them to open up their text books to chapter 5 and have them do this assignment just like this. I thought that it would all be laid out for them and they would just follow the instructions on how to teach.But now as I have matured I have found that there is not a lot of instruction for the basic things that classes do everyday but that you learn the concepts of how to be a teacher and you fill in the rest for yourself. You are given the information that is needed to be a teacher it is what you do with it that determines whether or not you will be an effective teacher.


                In class we discussed  exponential growth and learning. In class Geoff asked us if we remember a lot from our American Heritage class or any of the generals and i raised my hand and i said it didn't apply to me so i didn't really take an interest in what was being taught and i would just memorize things for the test and didn't take anything away from that class. Now as i look back on that and other classes and things I have learned I could have walked away with much more knowledge and appreciation if i would have found something in every class I took and learned to apply it to me and take something away from that. It is our responsibility as learners to take the next step in the learning process and incorporate those things that we are being taught and remember them, not just for a test but for everyday life. Yes Geoff, I understand that i was naive and now i know my responsibility and that is something i will remember as a teacher as well.

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